Creating a Angular Project:

  1. Install Node.js from Node Website
  2. Install Git  from Git Hub WebSite
  3. Install Visual Studio Code from visualstudio Website
  4. Install Angular using below command npm install angular/cli@latest
  5. Now create a new project by opening the visual studio and run the below command in terminal ng new <project-name>
  6. After a while you will see the basic angular project template created in the path you mentioned while creating the project.
  7. Now open the project folder in visual studio code.

Add Project to Git :

  1. Go to Git Hub and sign up
  2. Now Open the Git hub desktop which you have installed and log in.
  3. Click file->Add Local Repository-> choose the path to your project and click on Add repository
  4. It takes a while and then click publish Repository with comments which will add your repo to Git.